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Technology and Workforce Development

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Business & Essential Skills

Customized Training


Project Management

This interactive training workshop enables participants to learn and practice proven project management tools. Participants are asked to come to the program with a current or upcoming project to which they can apply selected tools.


Four, 4-hour Sessions:

1. Level Setting Projects: In this first session we will cover common project challenges and the Triple Constraints, available resources, the Five Phases of effective project management, selected tools including the Initial Project Assessment, and Critical Success Factors.

2. Initiating and Planning Phases: In session two, we will go deeper into the tools for your project including project scoping, stakeholder analysis, organizational change management, the importance of a good communication plan and project charters.

3. Planning and Executing Phases: In this session we will cover proven tools related to the Planning and Executing phases including Work Breakdown Structures, roles and responsibilities, managing risk, and working in teams.

4. Monitoring and Closing Projects: In this final session we will link to prior tools and cover project status meetings, the importance of feedback and continuous project improvement and project evaluation.

Who Should Enroll

Individuals who manage projects of various sizes, whether they are working individually or with a project team. No experience required.

Great use of real-life examples.

Good balance of discussion and activities.


This course will be online with four, 4-hour live sessions.

Schedule, Costs & Contact

Tuesdays, Fridays

September 22, 25, 29 & October 2


Contact: Christa Sterling;; 860-832-2277.

If you are a CT manufacturing company with less than 2,000 employees, not receiving other funding, you may qualify for 50% funding by the CT Dept. of Labor for eligible classes.  Complete the DOL Form and email to for approval prior to registering.


Ms. Gina Ohanesian

Gina Ohanesian, founder of Performance Alternatives, has been a leadership and business partner to organizations since 1986.  With a broad background in organizational and leadership development, Gina has served a variety of clients domestically and internationally and has demonstrated expertise in the following areas: 

Organization Effectiveness

Executive Coaching and Business Consulting 

Strategic Facilitation and Team Building 

Leadership and Employee Development