“We must develop a positive vision, and these classes help us to develop that vision which in turn will help to create positive actions and events. It’s a great starting point to learn more and enhance ones HR career.”

Meet Beth Kavaler!
HR Professional Certificate Graduate
Beth Kavaler graduated from the Continuing Education Department’s Human Resources Professional Certificate program at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) in December 2015. She recently worked at The Bushnell Performing Arts Center but is starting a new career path at Rich Products Corporation. If not for the HR program, Ms. Kavaler does not believe this new career opportunity would have ever happened.
Ms. Kavaler joined the HR program because she was new to HR and wanted to increase her knowledge base. She knew the program would be a great start. The courses were what Ms. Kavaler wanted them to be. She enjoyed the knowledgeable instructors and loved meeting with the group of eight women who went through all six classes together. They had an incredible bond, and Ms. Kavaler explained that they are all still friends and try to do things together from time to time. Ms. Kavaler always tried to carry a positive attitude and she lives by the words of Major League Baseball Hall of Famer Wade Boggs, “A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, and it sparks extraordinary results.”
If you are interested or want to learn more about the Human Resources Professional Certificate program at CCSU, please contact Judy Ratcliffe at JRatcliffe@ccsu.edu or 860-832-2276.
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