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Tech IT Out

Sparking innovation and fun through STEAM Programs
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math

A Unique Differentiator Detailing Why a Prospect Would Choose You.

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A paragraph or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered.

This paragraph will contain additional information wbout the camp. Explain what a typical day will be life for the campers. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered.

Register for an Engineering Camp

The Power to Move: Designing Assistive Technologies: 6-12th Grade: 7/24-7/28

NEW! Racers, Rockets, Cookers, and more!: 5-8th Grade: 7/10-7/14

Graphic Design

A paragraph or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered.

This paragraph will contain additional information wbout the camp. Explain what a typical day will be life for the campers. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered.

Register for an Engineering Camp

The Power to Move: Designing Assistive Technologies: 6-12th Grade: 7/24-7/28

NEW! Racers, Rockets, Cookers, and more!: 5-8th Grade: 7/10-7/14


A paragraph or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered.

This paragraph will contain additional information wbout the camp. Explain what a typical day will be life for the campers. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered.

Register for an Engineering Camp

The Power to Move: Designing Assistive Technologies: 6-12th Grade: 7/24-7/28

NEW! Racers, Rockets, Cookers, and more!: 5-8th Grade: 7/10-7/14

Programming & Game Design

A paragraph or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered.

This paragraph will contain additional information wbout the camp. Explain what a typical day will be life for the campers. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered.

Register for an Engineering Camp

The Power to Move: Designing Assistive Technologies: 6-12th Grade: 7/24-7/28

NEW! Racers, Rockets, Cookers, and more!: 5-8th Grade: 7/10-7/14


A paragraph or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered.

This paragraph will contain additional information wbout the camp. Explain what a typical day will be life for the campers. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered.

Register for an Engineering Camp

The Power to Move: Designing Assistive Technologies: 6-12th Grade: 7/24-7/28

NEW! Racers, Rockets, Cookers, and more!: 5-8th Grade: 7/10-7/14

Sports Broadcasting

A paragraph or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered.

This paragraph will contain additional information wbout the camp. Explain what a typical day will be life for the campers. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered.

Register for an Engineering Camp

The Power to Move: Designing Assistive Technologies: 6-12th Grade: 7/24-7/28

NEW! Racers, Rockets, Cookers, and more!: 5-8th Grade: 7/10-7/14

Video & Music Production

A paragraph or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered.

This paragraph will contain additional information wbout the camp. Explain what a typical day will be life for the campers. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered. A few sentences or two describing the engineering summer camp program. Include how the camp will benefit the camper and what the camper can expect to learn from the various engineering programs offered.

Register for an Engineering Camp

The Power to Move: Designing Assistive Technologies: 6-12th Grade: 7/24-7/28

NEW! Racers, Rockets, Cookers, and more!: 5-8th Grade: 7/10-7/14

Our Program Sponsors

Title Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors

Statement About Camp Experience

A supporting statement about the experience of attending CCSU’s Tech IT Out

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions?
These dropdown sections will be able to have text answering the frequently asked questions. Answers can be between 2-7 lines.
Frequently Asked Questions
These dropdown sections will be able to have text answering the frequently asked questions. Answers can be between 2-7 lines.
Frequently Asked Questions?
These dropdown sections will be able to have text answering the frequently asked questions. Answers can be between 2-7 lines.
Frequently Asked Questions?
These dropdown sections will be able to have text answering the frequently asked questions. Answers can be between 2-7 lines.
Frequently Asked Questions?
These dropdown sections will be able to have text answering the frequently asked questions. Answers can be between 2-7 lines.
Frequently Asked Questions?
These dropdown sections will be able to have text answering the frequently asked questions. Answers can be between 2-7 lines.
Frequently Asked Questions?
These dropdown sections will be able to have text answering the frequently asked questions. Answers can be between 2-7 lines.
Frequently Asked Questions?
These dropdown sections will be able to have text answering the frequently asked questions. Answers can be between 2-7 lines.

Testimonials Slide 2

“We must develop a positive vision, and these classes help us to develop that vision which in turn will help to create positive actions and events.”

Carol Marut, SHRM Certification Prep Graduate

Testimonials Slide 1

“Taking a course and exam doesn’t make you a guru, but it gives a better understanding of HR issues in today’s fast paced global world and your local one.”

Justyna Davila, SHRM Certification Prep Graduate

Need a little more information

A Supporting statement that entices the user to complete the form below.