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“Taking a course and exam doesn’t make you a guru, but it gives a better understanding of HR issues in today’s fast paced global world and your local one. It also helps you to look for help when you need it and how to connect with other professionals.”

Meet Justyna Davila!
SHRM Certification Prep Graduate

Justyna Davila graduated from the Office of Continuing Education’s SHRM Certification Prep Course at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) in May of 2016. She currently works for an aerospace company as a Controller and is working to pass her SHRM-CP exam. She joined the HR program because she needed to go through a course that would prepare her for SHRM-CP. In her situation, which was similar to what happens in many smaller companies, the accounting department also works as the HR department. Ms. Davila explained that many times, people in her position have to learn HR concepts on their own.

Ms. Davila was impressed by the instructors and their presentation of the course. She says that the instructor had a strong understanding of HR, was SHRM_SCP certified, and had a lot of work experience that provided students with useful information. Ms. Davila illustrated that the structure of the class was designed well and that the availability of learning materials was excellent. She believed that the class discussions and “exchange of problems” between students that an HR professional faces on a daily basis was a great addition to the course.

While HR is not Ms. Davila’s full-time job, she believes that learning about it in more detail and gaining more interest has made her not only a better person but also a more valuable and knowledgeable employee. To further explain, Ms. Davila used a quote from Dr. Seuss: “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn the more places you’ll go.”

If you are interested or want to learn more about the SHRM Certification Prep Course at CCSU, please contact Judy Ratcliffe at or 860-832-2276.

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