CCSU Virtual Scholars For Life! Speaker Series

During the pandemic CCSU faculty and guest speakers brought their passions and knowledge to you via our Virtual Scholars For Life! Speaker Series. Because this venue was so popular we are going to continue to offer some talks virtually. Our faculty are taking a much-needed break this summer after a busy year, but we are working on our new schedule!
We will also offer our Scholars For Life! Speaker Series and other events on campus when the campus fully opens. We will keep you posted on that progress.
If you are interested in learning more about lifelong learning, our virtual events and future on-campus events, please join the mailing list or contact Christa Sterling @ csterling@ccsu.edu or 860-832-2277.
Thanks to our Sponsors

Scholars For Life! Speaker Series
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Mahatma Ghandi
CCSU’s Office of Continuing Education offers life-long learning opportunities that are friendly, stimulating and informal.
There are no tests and no grades! You will join a learning community that is full of diversity, conversation, stimulation and friendship.
Expand Your Horizons. Meet New Friends.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be over 50 to attend any Life, Leisure & Community Programs?
Most of the programs are scheduled to cater to our retired audience, however, anyone can attend. Just be sure you can keep up with them!
Are there any discounts?
Check back for our 2019 listing coming soon!
Are there any free events?
Yes. AARP hosts many events on CCSU’s campus, and these events are free.
Where do I park?
Each individual event will have specific driving and parking instructions. The events are at various locations, and we will provide the closest parking option.
Is there assistance to the event location?
Yes. We have handicap parking at every location. However, because we are a campus and you cannot drive to the front door of most buildings, we use a golf cart to transport those that need assistance. Please let us know when you register if you require assistance. Only authorized personnel can drive the carts, so we need to plan ahead.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
Christa Sterling 860-832-2277; csterling@ccsu.edu
Judy Ratcliffe 860-832-2276; jratcliffe@ccsu.edu